There are a few ingredients you will always find in my kitchen. Garlic, olives, dried herbs, anchovies, saffron, dried orange peel and … olive oil. It is a staple ingredient in the mediterranean cuisine and a speciality of Provence. High quality olive oil is the most precious liquid and can turn pretty much any ingredient into something delicious.
Olive oil is a superfood and as the foods in this category including them regularly in your diet will help support your good health.
Olive oil is a monounsaturated (type of fat) so it helps to lower cholesterol by preventing cholesterol being absorbed and deposited in the body; which helps protect us from cardiovascular disease.
Rich in beneficial plant compounds, regular consumption of olive oil can protect against cancer and high blood pressure.
Fresh is best! Choose a “cold pressed extra virgin olive oil” and buy directly from producers or organic brands. They should come from Italy, France or Spain. Olive oil should be stored in the dark and used within one to two months as the light could destroy many of the disease-fighting compounds in it.
Use olive oil to marinate, season, cook and even to change texture to make amazing recipes such as aioli. Add it in savoury as well as sweet recipes.
Grilled lamb chops with a capers, anchovy and herbs sauce.