Carrots are the richest in beta-carotenes of all plant foods and one of the most nutritious root vegetables as well as an excellent source of oxidant compounds.
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body, helping to repair ageing skin tissue, as well as protecting skin from UV damage and help keeps eyes and lungs healthy. Also high in Vitamin C, carrots will help the skin look vibrant and the production of collagen which is great for elasticity. People with dry skin will benefit from the high level of potassium found in carrots, as they often have a deficiency of this mineral. The fibre level found in cooked carrot has a regulating action on the intestine and their anti-diarrheal power is well known. Also high in carbohydrates they will be useful for healthy muscle and brain energy.
A high consumption of raw carrots lowers cholesterol levels but be careful as too much of them in your body can turn your skin orange temporarily. It is called carotenemia and is an harmless condition.
Choose them firm and well colored as the darker orange the carrot, the more beta-carotenes it will contain. They will keep nicely in fridge.
They can be used raw and cooked in both savoury and sweet recipes. Remove any green on the stalk end of the carrot before cooking as this can be mildly toxic and make sure to brush but never peel them because the vitamins are concentrated in the skin.
The nutrients in carrots are more available to the body when cooked, rather than raw and adding a little oil during cooking helps beta-carotenes to be absorbed. For internal use, raw carrot juice is excellent for fighting against lung diseases, asthma, and in case of lost voice.
Pickled carrots are wonderful because they can be prepared in advance, keep well in the refrigerator and will add a tasty twist to your meals.