
• 450 g clams 

• 5 heads organic British baby artichokes 

• 250 g spaghetti 

• 4 large garlic cloves 

• 2 glasses white wine

• 1 lemon

• 1/2 tsp chilli flakes 

• A handful of grated parmesan

• A few basil leaves 

• Extra virgin olive oil 

• Salt and pepper 


1- Place a large saucepan over medium heat. Add 4 tbsp of olive oil, the sliced garlic and chilli flakes. Cook for 2 minutes, add the clam and cover the pan with a lid. Cook until the clams open then add white wine and cook for 4-5 minutes.

2- In the meantime, prepare the baby artichokes. Peel off and discard the thickest layers of outer leaves. Use a small knife or vegetable peeler to peel the stalk and reveal the lighter part. Cut the top half of the artichokes then cut them in half. Remove the airy choke parts and place them in lemony water. When they are all done, thinly slice them. 

3- Remove the clams from the pan and cook the sliced baby artichokes. In the meantime cook the spaghetti al dente. 

4- When artichokes are tender, season to taste and add the clams back into the pan. Then add the pasta along with some cooking water. Toss well, add parmesan, basil leaves and serve.