The perfect Vin Chaud


Happy Christmas eve! Here is an easy recipe to make the most delicious mulled wine. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Servings: 6 glasses                                                                                                                        

Prep:5 min  Cook:15 min  Total:20 min


  • 1 bottle of red wine (750ml)

  • 2 oranges

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 1 vanilla pod

  • 1 star anise

  • 1 clove

  • 1 tsp nutmeg

  • 1 tsp mixed spices

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1 cup of sugar




1-Make orange slices.

2-Halve the vanilla pod lengthways.


3-Put 1/3 of the wine and all the other ingredients into a large saucepan. Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, then bring to the boil until you have got a beautiful thick syrup (about 3 or 4 minutes). Do not do this with all the wine, as you don’t want to burn off the alcohol.


4- When you have got your syrup, turn the heat down and add the rest of the wine. Simmer for 5 minutes. Serve in heat proof glasses or mugs and enjoy!

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